Monday 1 April 2013

Well Hayley I have had a full weekend, surrounded by loads of good friends and family but I feel the most alone when I'm in a crowd....I miss you so bloody much, miss our little trips to rummage through tat at our favourite junk shop's, going to miss our fish and chips by the harbour in Rye, but most of all I miss just having you around... everything I do reminds me off you...
I am trying to keep a brave face on it all, trying to get out there and do things, deep breath and forwards we go!!! god this is so so hard....
I love you more as each day passes, the hole you have left is massive.. far bigger than I bet you ever imagined... I will have a future, I will achieve things but sadly none of it will mean half as much without you to share it with....
Love alway's XXXXXXX

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