Wednesday 19 June 2024


 Awoke this morning to an over whelming feeling of sadness and hopelessness! Man this is the longest spell of low that I have ever experienced, it recedes into the background then hits you again unexpectedly but its always there! This morning is glorious and we have a weekend planned with friends on a beach in Wales so I should be flying but instead I’m standing here going through the motions trying not to cry!! I’m tired, all I wish to do is sleep and yet when in bed that isn’t the easiest of tasks! I fall asleep instantly but wake throughout the night and after 03:30-4 it’s so broken I doubt its worth it?

Not sure what to do as I dread going back on meds and I have talked to so many professionals but the organic approach is failing me this time….

Friday 24 May 2024

Hard to let go

 We had tears this morning after Poppy read a message on my phone to her teacher from nearly 2 years ago advising that it was time for Harvey to go and to be aware that Poppy may well not cope today!! Poppy cannot let Harvey go and still cries when she talks about him and I am just as bad ( in tears as I write this) I really do not know what to say to her to console her, i’ve tried all the usual stuff and how we now have room for Violet in our lives so thats another soul rescued but it doesn’t seem to make any difference sadly!! I think I need to talk to someone again as I cannot escape this low, maybe I’m colouring Poppy’s view of the world! I do hope not!!

Friday 10 May 2024

Still Sippery

 Just read my last post and it could have been written about today!! Not a good day head wise even though the sunshine is glorious! Tolerance levels are at an all time low and to be honest I’m not sure where to go from here? It is the longest spell of negativity I think I have ever experienced and the lowest I’ve felt for years… I think I need to hit the pause button and step off the world for a bit but how the hell do you do that when you have responsibilities?? 

If I’m honest the only thing keeping me moving at the moment is my gorgeous daughter and my partner, without them I’m not sure I would have enough courage to carry on and to top it all I’m really missing my old hound Harvey who will have been gone for 2 years soon 🐶♥️😢

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Slippery Slope

 Today isn’t a good day, head is all over the place and despite being in bed for 8hrs I awoke this morning feeling like I haven’t slept! The walk with the dogs was stressful and I felt very near the edge but if I’m honest the dogs were no worse than normal but my tolerance levels were very low!! I have spoken with a dog behaviourist this morning about Violets behaviour and she has said it is completely fixable, tbh its probably me that needs the training!!

I’m not sure whether its time for my PSA check in regards to my prostrate cancer that has me feeling this low or whether I’m on the cusp of a nervous breakdown? I haven't felt this helpless in an age, maybe its time for a short spell back on medication though I really hate that idea but I’m not so sure I can carry on like this without the fallout affecting those around me!!

Wednesday 13 March 2024


 The difference a day can make, whilst still very low and still teetering on the edge of that abyss, today on the school walk I encountered a couple of dog owners and Violet was her usual vocal self but I did manage to calm her down and the owners could not have been anymore understanding! I know its going to be a hard fought battle to calm her down but she had a really bad start in life and she deserves that effort, I cannot and will not give up on her.

I am now home, coffee in hand and relaxing before I head to work. Don’t get me wrong I could still quite happily close the door on the world and retreat into myself but that won’t do me any favours and you have to keep moving! I honestly do not think I’ll ever get used to depression, just when you think you have a handle on it, can see and feel the triggers BANG!! A real dark one comes from nowhere and takes you to the lowest point you can imagine, it truly frightens me just how bad it can feel when all around everything is going well! I’m  not so sure that if it wasn’t for my daughter I’d still be here, just one hug from her makes the daily battle worth fighting!

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Perfect Storm

 So Jan was the last time I wrote something, I wish I could say that I have been chipper between then and now but that couldn’t be further from the truth! I have been low, not belly scraping low but lacking that sparkle. Not enough to log on here but enough to keep stalled from doing anything. 

We had a cracking time in Norfolk for a few days over half term in Feb and I collected my rare Panther Stroud motor from a friend who had rebuilt it for me so I should have been on an up but the constant grey and rain has really sapped any resolve I had!

 I’m currently sitting in my van at work whilst the rain lashes down outside thinking about yesterday… yesterday could quite easily have turned into the Perfect storm, I was low, it was a Monday and it was raining!! Then on my walk to school with my daughter we came across another person and their dog, now we have a rescue terrier who is around 3 years old and we know very little of her history. She is the most loving dog and has fitted in to our lives like a glove but she does have one fault and that is she gets over excited when she spots another dog and makes the most horrendous noise like a strangled parrot and this is pretty embarrassing! Anyway as we walked towards this chap Violet kicked off so I tried my hardest to calm her down but she wouldn’t and as we passed he made a comment along the lines of “not being able to walk around where I live without hassle” it isn’t the first time we have met and in fact I used to walk with him quite a lot when I had my late dog Harvey!

Now I know this comment was nothing but the grumbles of a sad and bitter old man ( conclusion come from the conversations we used to have) and normally it wouldn’t have stayed long in my head but yesterday was different and stay it did, it turned around and festered as I over thought it and by the time I got home I was in a very dark place and sat with my mobile phone and my works sick line whilst I worked out could I face work or not!! Thankfully I had the strength of character to drag myself off the sofa and into work as I believe staying at home would have been disastrous for my mental well being! 

This morning my anxiety was off the scale as I prepared to walk my daughter to school, i was sweating and I felt sick but forced myself to act and carry on as normal, we made the school walk and following dog walk with no issues and I’d really like to thank Kirstie who is the parent of a fellow pupil of my daughters for her company on the walks today and yesterday x

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Not a bad run!

 So here we are on the 23rd January 2024 and I last posted on the 17th November 2023 and I have had the best run of positivity for an age.. I turned 60 on the 29th November and that was also the day we laid Nigel to rest, it was a double whammy and I was dreading it!

 I wasn’t happy about turning 60, I can’t explain it as I’ve never worried about ageing before but this time it was different and I guess the reality of having an 8yr old daughter and me being 60 put me in a gloomy place as I know she won’t be any great age when I go! But I did have an epiphany that if I’m lucky enough to equal my dads age (93) when he passed then I’m not even 2/3 of the way through my life! any way couple the dreaded 60 to saying our final farewells to Nigel and I was heading for the perfect storm in my head but strangely it turned into a catalyst for me to push through the gloom and ride forwards with me head held high and positive thoughts in my head!!  

It hasn’t been completely rosy and I will admit to having low days but nothing like the bleakness I have been experiencing, I was even driving my partner mad in the run up to christmas as I was in full on christmas mode, even caught me hoovering whilst wearing a santa hat and singing along to xmas music, a complete contrast to the grumpy arse I usually am at this time!! Even made it through Jan 6th which is the anniversary of losing both Hayley and my dad with only a minor mood dip.

Until today, lousy nights sleep, grey skies and rain and the bleakest of feelings, I so need a holiday where I can sink my toes into the sand and sit beneath palm trees but I’m drawing strength from the fact I’ve done over 2 months without feeling the need to write it down!