Wednesday, 3 April 2013

struggling again today missus, went up foal farm to take some dog food and bit's and pieces for them to sell. not the same without you!!!! made in-roads on adopting a dog.. found one that should fit in with the rabbit's which is the most important thing...
Maybe it's just me but my life-line that was facebook seems to have taken a real turn for the negative, every other post seems to be fired by hatred and the endless political post's are really f**king me off, I am fully aware of what is going on in the world without having it force fed down my throat.. it was my haven, somewhere to escape to share lifes good and fun things... I'm finding life hard enough each and everyday without having reminders of just how crap the real world is.. and what really get's my goat are all the armchair activist's who think they are leading a revolution by posting and sharing all this bollox!!! if they really cared so much why the hell aren't they out there campaigning to run for parliament, or organising protest groups....
Maybe the bubble has burst for me, maybe I have used facebook as far as I can, or maybe I have just grown to rely on it far too much??? I don't know but it sure as hell feels like a different place these last couple of weeks....
What I need are positive happy folk around me, a little sunshine and warmth.. not hatred and negativity..
maybe I should just keep clear for a bit and see how I feel if I go back.. I'm guessing I will go back as I have made some cracking virtual mates... problem is all mine really, I need to blank out the negative and focus on the positive but it is so so hard to not be affected by it all.. it's not their fault I'm over sensitive at the moment, it's just losing you was the most catastrophic thing that could possibly ever happen to me, all the rest is just background noise.. nothing anyone could do to me now could be worse than what I'm already experiencing.. for me January 6th 2013 changed my whole perspective on life, nothing will ever be the same again and the thing's that I thought mattered before then I have come to realise don't mean shit in the great scheme of things.
Lighten up folks... tomorrow may well be too late!!!!!

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